Most of All

the night around me is quiet and
not quite right.
moving against the tide,
the rubble sifts
from side to side.
and i would hope here to be
a great maturity,
though impossibly beyond me.
all that i am,
for all that could have been...
i have no one but you.
in the night, i cannot get away
the truths leak in
and i am left only to sway,
to rock with the waves.
i am so alone here,
so immensely alone.
it seems i'll never find you, baby.
it seems i'll never bring you home.
there are many truths now
locked inside this fortress of bone.
and i am scared they'll come calling-
the glass will be shattered by the stone.
the chill crawls up my spine
and i am reminded
of you, your eyes, another time.
i am remembering always.
you're my poem, my final line.
i run from you all my days
but the victory is your's.
condemned to life,
i yearn to walk your shores.

and the secrets kept, you'll hear.
please, just a moment!
just one moment is all i beg.
to go back or sideways,
anywhere but here.
anywhere but this haze.

yet i know i'm my warden still
and the doubt will
someday, too far away,
come to tear me apart.
for i can cross the depths,
but never your heart.


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